S Corporation Benefits

Unlocking Tax Efficiency: A Guide to S Corporations for Entrepreneurs

Embarking on the exciting journey of entrepreneurship requires careful consideration of various factors, with one crucial decision being the choice of business entity. While Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) and Doing Business As (DBA) structures are common and may make sense in specific circumstances, this article aims to shed light on the often-overlooked yet highly advantageous S Corporation.

As Certified Public Accountants and Private Consultants, we will explore the tax benefits of forming an S Corporation. Additionally, we'll discuss when it might be prudent to reevaluate your current LLC or DBA structure, identifying optimal candidates for S-Corp election and the types of businesses that can benefit the most.

Understanding S Corporations

An S Corporation is a unique business entity that combines the liability protection of a corporation with the tax flexibility of a partnership. This structure allows profits and losses to be passed through to shareholders, who report this income on their individual tax returns. This "pass-through" taxation can lead to significant tax advantages, making S Corporations an appealing option for many businesses.

Tax Benefits of S Corporations

Avoiding Double Taxation:

Unlike C Corporations, where profits are taxed at both the corporate and individual levels, S Corporations enjoy pass-through taxation. This means that business profits are only taxed at the individual shareholder level, potentially reducing the overall tax burden.

Self-Employment Tax Savings:

Unlike other pass-through entities, S Corporation shareholders may also be employees of the business. This allows them to receive a salary in addition to their regular distribution of profits. While an actively participating partner in a limited partnership would be liable for self-employment taxes on his or her distributive share of partnership income, the S Corporation shareholder/employee would only be liable for FICA withholding on the salary taken (plus payroll tax at the entity level). The remaining income of the S Corporation is only liable for income tax, saving the shareholder from a larger self employment tax liability.

Flexibility in Income Allocation:

S Corporations do not have the ability to specially allocate items of income, loss, expense, etc. among partners that a partnership/LLC does. Income and other K-1 items must be allocated based on a per share/per day basis.

Tax Deductions and Credits:

S Corporations can take advantage of various tax deductions and credits, including those related to healthcare, retirement plans, and certain business expenses. These deductions can contribute significantly to overall tax savings.

Reevaluating LLCs and DBAs

If you currently operate under an LLC or DBA, it might be worthwhile to reevaluate your business structure, especially as your business grows. Factors to consider include:

Tax Efficiency:

Assess the potential tax savings an S Corporation structure can offer compared to your current LLC or DBA.

Ownership Structure:

Evaluate whether the ownership structure and activities of your business align with the eligibility requirements for S Corporation status.

Profit Distribution:

Consider how you want to distribute profits and whether the flexibility offered by an S Corporation is more suitable for your business model.

Optimal Candidates for S Corporation

Small to Medium-Sized Businesses:

S Corporations are particularly beneficial for small to medium-sized businesses with a limited number of shareholders. This structure allows for efficient profit distribution and pass-through taxation.

Service-Based Businesses:

Professional services businesses, such as consulting firms, law practices, realtors and healthcare providers, often find the pass-through taxation of an S Corporation advantageous.

Businesses with Active Shareholder Involvement:

S Corporations are ideal for businesses where owners actively participate in day-to-day operations, as they can take advantage of the potential self-employment tax savings.

New Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Requirements and S-Corp IRS Forms

The IRS has implemented new reporting requirements related to beneficial ownership information for S Corporations. Entrepreneurs operating under an S Corporation structure must comply with these regulations and complete the necessary forms annually. Key reporting requirements and associated IRS forms include:

1. Form 2553 - Election by a Small Business Corporation. Form 2553 is crucial for electing S Corporation status. It allows eligible corporations to choose S Corporation taxation, enjoying the benefits of pass-through taxation and avoiding the double taxation associated with C Corporations.

2. U.S. Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI)- Initial registration report.

3. Form 5472 - Information Return of a 25% Foreign-Owned U.S. Corporation or a Foreign Corporation Engaged in a U.S. Trade or Business. S Corporations with foreign ownership exceeding 25% must file Form 5472 to report transactions with foreign-related parties.

4. Form 1120S - U.S. Income Tax Return for an S Corporation. This is the primary form for reporting the income, deductions, credits, and other information of an S Corporation. It must be filed annually.

5. Form 1040 - U.S. Individual Income Tax Return. Shareholders of S Corporations report their share of income, deductions, and credits on their individual tax returns using Form 1040.

6. Form 1099-NEC - Nonemployee Compensation. S Corporations must issue Form 1099-NEC to report payments made to nonemployees, such as independent contractors, for services provided.


As entrepreneurs manage the path of business ownership, the choice of a business entity is a critical decision that significantly impacts your tax liability and overall financial success. While LLCs and DBAs are popular choices, the often-overlooked S Corporation offers a unique blend of liability protection and tax efficiency.

Before making a decision, it is essential to consult with a qualified tax professional to assess your specific business needs, goals, and eligibility for S Corporation status. With careful consideration and strategic planning, you can maximize your tax efficiency, navigate the new reporting requirements, and set your business on the path to financial success.

Have questions? Contact us. Millan + Co. is here to assess your unique circumstances and help make the best strategic decision on your entrepreneurial journey.